Tag: willy

  • Waffles


    When life breaks your arm you get waffles. I guess?

  • A Divisive Sandwich

    A Divisive Sandwich

    Peanut butter, honey and banana. Not everyone’s top choice, I am sure. No fluff, at least..

  • Ice Cream for Bears

    Ice Cream for Bears

    No really! I didn’t make that up. Amazing ice cream. Funny company. Simple but completely real ingredients – which really makes a difference. Have only had Honey Honey but this reminds I NEED that ButterBear! And, ice cream was necessary because of this little incident.. which, as I write on 1/14/25, Willy is still recovering…

  • New Fall Toy

    New Fall Toy

    Acton will be banning gas leaf blowers soon, so I decided to see what’s up with these battery ones – mainly so someone else could assist me while I wear the backpack! Pretty fun for all.

  • Into The Woods

    Into The Woods

    We camped! It was a nice place. Marshmallows were had and had a Sasquatch sighting

  • Wait, What?

    Wait, What?

    Yup, Willy picked up a viola this year for school orchestra. And I guess it immediately cultured him, as he was spotted reading a BOOK later that day. (We must have lost power or something. )

  • Thunder Buddies

    Thunder Buddies

    Big summer storm blew through – Mara did not appreciate it, so donned her Thunder Shirt. Willy more excited for the storm also tried to keep the dog from melting down.

  • Google Then and Now

    Google Then and Now

    I guess it matched on Willy squinting, and the day being the 14th of the month. Ok, AI.

  • Odd Furniture

    Odd Furniture

    This summer we did a few things to .. upgrade? Willy’s room. Moved things around, swapped the rug and got a proper nightstand, to name a few. Here’s a key instruction in the nightstand instructions. As much as I appreciated the humor, the thing was a bit of a beast to put together. High end…

  • Dr. Sven!

    Dr. Sven!

    Dr. Sven Supplies is Noah’s orthodontist. With video games installed in the waiting room, you could say this guy knows his audience! Of course sometimes they are not working, which is apparent by some body language here.

  • Crane Beach Dune

    Crane Beach Dune

    To access Crane Beach, there’s a lengthy wooden walkway over the dunes. Much like the dunes at most beaches, they are off limits – protecting the beach from erosion as well as the many animals that reside in these areas. As we left the beach and I took the photo above, there was of course…

  • Got Snakes?

    Got Snakes?

    The mulch pile lingered too long – finally getting a day to clear it out in July, I discovered several snakes had made a home in the pile. What a surprise that was.. as snake after snake after snake popped out wondering what I was doing. Some slithered off on their own, but one seemed…