Tag: willy
A Divisive Sandwich
Peanut butter, honey and banana. Not everyone’s top choice, I am sure. No fluff, at least..
Ice Cream for Bears
No really! I didn’t make that up. Amazing ice cream. Funny company. Simple but completely real ingredients – which really makes a difference. Have only had Honey Honey but this reminds I NEED that ButterBear! And, ice cream was necessary because of this little incident.. which, as I write on 1/14/25, Willy is still recovering…
New Fall Toy
Acton will be banning gas leaf blowers soon, so I decided to see what’s up with these battery ones – mainly so someone else could assist me while I wear the backpack! Pretty fun for all.
Wait, What?
Yup, Willy picked up a viola this year for school orchestra. And I guess it immediately cultured him, as he was spotted reading a BOOK later that day. (We must have lost power or something. )
Thunder Buddies
Big summer storm blew through – Mara did not appreciate it, so donned her Thunder Shirt. Willy more excited for the storm also tried to keep the dog from melting down.
Google Then and Now
I guess it matched on Willy squinting, and the day being the 14th of the month. Ok, AI.
Odd Furniture
This summer we did a few things to .. upgrade? Willy’s room. Moved things around, swapped the rug and got a proper nightstand, to name a few. Here’s a key instruction in the nightstand instructions. As much as I appreciated the humor, the thing was a bit of a beast to put together. High end…
Crane Beach Dune
To access Crane Beach, there’s a lengthy wooden walkway over the dunes. Much like the dunes at most beaches, they are off limits – protecting the beach from erosion as well as the many animals that reside in these areas. As we left the beach and I took the photo above, there was of course…
Got Snakes?
The mulch pile lingered too long – finally getting a day to clear it out in July, I discovered several snakes had made a home in the pile. What a surprise that was.. as snake after snake after snake popped out wondering what I was doing. Some slithered off on their own, but one seemed…