Tag: spider
No Thank You
What a feeling to look up at a tree down the road which you walk past 2-3 times a day, and you see THIS. It was huge, and very very busy. And, of course, the inhabitants were big and demonic looking. Later that same day, different creepy sight at the soccer field. Don’t see it?…
Spider problem
I mean, a problem for spiders – not talking about an infestation or anything. Green Dust Days® make spider webs quite visible.
Day 7 – Choice – Spidery
Sure, it looks terrifying, but this was kind of a “pet” spider for a couple weeks – it was always hanging out near the kitchen sink – til it vanished one day. Soap suds apparently weren’t its favorite.
Day 11 – Choice
A spider feasting on a gypsy moth caterpillar. Not a pleasant scene, but it came out well.
Day 24 – Choice
So.. they say daddy long legs are harmless and all.. but.. uh.. yeah. Nature really is pretty incredible.
Day 21 – Camouflage
Hmm, looks like a spider is hiding on this stem.. wait.. HOLY #@#%)*& ITS A SPIDER WITH GIANT FANGS.
Day 2 – Design
I suffered all day with design.. until night fell, and the spiders got busy. Used my Gorilla Torch for some light.. but this was NOT an easy capture.