Tag: rain
Almost Every Time
Fire up the smoker – and it rains. Even when its not predicted! Note the salad container protecting the airflow controller. Last ditch effort as the raindrops started flying.
Drooping Tulips
A rainy day suddenly changed the trajectory of some of these tulips. And it got worse though the day – two of them even snapped in half (lower right). Sheesh.
It doesn’t just rain, lately
Every rain event seems to pile up many inches of rain so far this year. Big event in March brought 6″ . . . can’t help but imagine that as snow!
Day 20 – Choice
It never fails to rain when I cook on the smoker – luckily just a shower here – showing off my tools of choice. Yes, that’s a hatchet..
Day 6 – Choice
“Fake Space” – was feeling a bit creative on this rainy evening. Call it an “artist’s rendition” of a nigh sky.. ?
Day 14 – Choice
Many little lamp posts reflected in the rain drops on my moonroof. Stare at it long enough and you will probably start feeling a touch of vertigo..