Tag: flowers
They own the south corner of the front yard garden. The focused one was a little too far right for a good shot, but oh well. Call it art.
Got Depth?
Love the 50mm lens. Love it. Some tree with some flower buds. Not sure what, but I love the depth of this. Not to mention the ridiculous sharpness.
Magnolia Buds
The late frost didn’t ruin them.. not yet at least. Minor color adjustments for a more dramatic effect.
Smoke gets in your .. dining room
The fireplace was working overtime courtesy of ‘snowtober’ – power was out for about 2 days, so sitting by the fireplace was about as good as things got. Very light smoke floated through the house at one point (oops) – but was really cool in the sunlight. “Lomo-ish” effect added here. Oh, and yes, it…
I Love Costco
On the left, a 10″ mum from a local garden center. Price, about $10. On the right, a ’12” ‘ mum from Costco. Price, about $12. And it is not done expanding yet. I don’t see a tag, but I believe the Costco mum requires raw meat, instead of Miracle Gro.
Bee Bombed
Or is this bee, bombed? He’s flying wrong, that’s for sure. Was shooting these flower buds up close, and Flippy the Magical Bumble Bee flipped his way into the shot. Well played, Flippy.