Tag: dog
Day 21 – Story to Share
Charlie “Claude” Pepito Rico has quite the story. He was rescued from Dead Dog Beach in Puerto Rico. As a puppy he was sent to a shelter in New Jersey and soon after adopted by yours truly. There are no dogs quite like these. A great article was just on CNN about The Sato Project – worth a…
Day 31 – Doggies for Anthony
So – originally, this was “rule of thirds” – and I shot this. After I shot it, I realized the subject was changed to “Doggies for Anthony“. Lucky for me, Charlie was already the star of the shot.
Day 4 – BW Day 3
Week of Black and Whites.. here’s Charlie – on the lookout for a wild honey badger..
Day 1 – N is For..
N is for “Not your average dog”. Charlie the Sato has a tendency to stare.. into your soul. Can you hear it? “Cookie.. cookie.. cookie.”