Tag: capecodsoul
Day 6 – Favorite Place
Shooting a ‘favorite place’ for Day 6 was not particularly easy when one is somewhere between home and work. Fortunately there’s a cool cow pasture along my commute in the Minuteman National Park. So here are some cows – this scene always make me think it’s some foreign land.
Day 5 – Organic-ish
Day 5’s theme is “Organic”. I happen to be a somewhat organic gardener – so here’s a seedling of an heirloom Cherokee Purple tomato plant. This one is in a pot as an experiment, since the horrible pine trees abuse the garden so much.
Day 3 – Blue – the blue buoy
Day 3 of the challenge – Blue. Here’s a buoy I found on a beach in Maine many years ago.
Day 2 – Love – A (Lone) Bleeding Heart
Day 2 of the Cape Cod Soul Photo Challenge had a theme of “love”.
Day 1 – Spring – Chive Blossoms
Day 1 of the CapeCodSoul photo challenge for June! Spring is the theme. This is a fun project by a great photographer based on the Cape. You’ll see my entries for the next 21 days here.