JUST Egg. But not.

For some time, unknown foods have caused some unsettledness for Kim. We assumed it was classics like ice cream, or eggplant, or broccoli.

While she was down and out with her knee reconstruction, a Food Sensitivity test seemed like a good activity to find some answers.

Well, EGGS look to be one of the top offenders according to the test. EGGS! You would not believe how many eggs we’d consumed during the pandemic, too. Being home every day deserved a nice breakfast.

So.. eggs were banned from her diet after that test came back. And they were sorely missed. I started looking for alternatives – none of which could be found in my local stores. Then, of all places.. Amazon.. had the answer. Well, Whole Foods, but via Amazon.

JUST egg is not egg. Its mung beans. And stuff. Best not to think about what it is. You pour it, and it looks like scrambled eggs. It cooks kind of like scrambled eggs. It looks a lot like scrambled eggs. It kind of makes omelettes. It tastes.. kind of like.. mung beans. You definitely need to add some extra stuff to cover up the MUNG. Some hot sauce, cheese, and maybe sausage as well.. with enough good stuff, it is a fair substitute.

In this case, some fried up pulled pork was a decent accompaniment.

And what was that? You want a full fake egg experience, yolk and all? Well… I found THIS as well. https://www.yo-egg.com/ . I have not attempted to find this product anywhere though. Seems a little too far into the weird zone.


One response to “JUST Egg. But not.”

  1. […] noted in JUST Egg. But not.. fake eggs are not quite right. After mediocre enjoyment, I explored the JUST brand a bit further […]