Category: Pentax W90
Tough day to go to work..
Really.. no one should have to go sit in a cubicle on a day like this. UGh.
Spider… MAN!
Technically, this was shot on Sunday.. but it was a good one that I wanted to share, and really Monday didn’t have much. This spider’s diameter including legs was not really that huge, but a bit bigger than a quarter. The odd thing about this guy is I found him when I found that huge…
They really are crabby
Crabs have two moods: “OMG I RUN AWAY” or “PINCH”. This guy was the latter. Here’s a video of pure crabbiness – I don’t think the crab pictured is one of these houligans though.
Cucumbers really ARE weird
Ever look closely at a regular one? They have THORNS! Gardening really is a learning experience.
Bored dog..
We’re working on the bathroom ceiling.. a lot. Charlie is excessively bored. Applied Lomo-ish effect in Picnik.
There’s a duck pond in town – and the ducks have their own house! Mild color ‘boost’ since the W90 isn’t the greatest.