Category: Mobile

  • It used to be a Camry

    It used to be a Camry

    For a very long time, gold Camry’s were the worst car you’d encounter. Awful driving all around, not to mention the awful look. Today we face a gold Prius. Hovering 15 below the speed limit. Not too different, but definitely worse looking. And no, there were no children in the road. It was a school…

  • A trip to the office

    A trip to the office

    Due to commuting habits, I was kicked out of my office and back to the cube farm. Came on to move myself out on this bustling Thursday! Oh yes, the only other entity here was this wasp. There’s a chronic wasp problem in the building. The back – to – office lifestyle just isn’t really…

  • Uncommon Dog Beds

    Uncommon Dog Beds

    Some time ago we got smallish bean bags (on Amazon) for the kids. I think they used them a bit? The dogs though, became the biggest fans of these chairs. The beans seem to give all the right support, and the vinyl-ish covers must be cool to sleep on or something. Its a very common…

  • Falling into October

    Falling into October

    Yup, yesterday’s post was about summery geraniums.. here, leaves start covering the lawn and mums appear on the step. Kind of a crossover season.. like Summer and Fall at the same time.

  • Speaking of flowers

    Speaking of flowers

    It was a weird Summer – took until the end of September before the geraniums really bloomed. As leaves rain down on em!

  • The Lone Bud

    The Lone Bud

    Normally, late September brings piles of montauk daisies. This year’s weird weather, coupled with the brutal onslaught of errant basketballs, and the usual horde of awful beetles left the daisies with literally, ONE bold bud.

  • Dis Too Early

    Dis Too Early

    Fall started early this year – the excessively beautiful weather through the end of Summer, and utter lack of rainfall made the maples dump leaves very early. Then it continued for 6 more weeks..

  • Late Night Shot

    Late Night Shot

    A book’s double silhouette and an ugly light fixture.

  • Assassin Bug

    Assassin Bug

    Nowhere near as intimidating as the name, this is just a young one. The dog often brings them in after brushing against shrubs – as shown by older posts. Interesting little bugs.. slow moving, which makes them way less creepy. But probably best to not mess with them, given the red eyes and name.

  • Still Cooking

    Still Cooking

    Near 6 months later, a revisit to the control panel on our stove. After the last post I’ve started the search to try and put some indicator of heat/power whatever going on here. This stove has been working for about 50 years. I’ve decided if I replaced it, nothing would last so long again. I…

  • Inside the Smoker

    Inside the Smoker

    Nothing tasty, just smoldering coals. This was a post-cook, burn-everything-off phase.

  • Not quite burning

    Not quite burning

    Some more horticulture – Burning Bush is an invasive and banned species in MA! Turns out they spread fast and choke out the native plants. To their credit, they look great in Fall.