Category: Mobile

  • Space. Wow.

    Space. Wow.

    A clear night, and camera better than my eyes, really opens up the sky..

  • 3.5


    Imara never puts full weight on that back left foot. It is assumed, since it was broken as a puppy, its a little shorter than the other leg. Or, just not as flexible, as she kind of swings it forward instead of a graceful step. Either way, its one of many quirks on this odd…

  • Turkey Tail

    Turkey Tail

    Spotted on a walk around the block. Wild looking fungus.. some Google Lens searches seem to land it as “Turkey Tail”. I guess if you imagine 50 turkeys stacked up, but only their tails.. thats what you get. Here’s an AI rendering, melding the two ideas.. sort of.

  • Different Tastes

    Different Tastes

    Only one of these two is very excited about the Nintendo that Willy is holding.

  • Grooming Day

    Grooming Day

    Clean dog gets to lounge wherever! And ride in whatever car! Here, the fun one. Less fun with a huge animal in the back.

  • November Nights

    November Nights

    The things that only a camera can see.. dramatic cloud cover at night.

  • So Squinty

    So Squinty

    Or maybe just falling asleep while standing up. Hard to tell sometimes.

  • More Night Sight

    More Night Sight

    Not the most exciting shot but I like the dramatic effect of the dark trees and the blaring moon.

  • Notvember Things

    Notvember Things

    November is not Grinchy season, but there they are! Also, its not hyacinth season.. but there.. they are? Weird Fall continues.

  • Right Light

    Right Light

    Sunshine hits the vapor coming off my coffee – and amazingly lighting up tiny individual water droplets. Neat.

  • Beaver Moon

    Beaver Moon

    The last ‘supermoon’ of 2024 – sure was a good one. Especially when the “night sight” blows it out with all the extra effects. Including the big visible ring – showing icy clounds up there reflecting the light. Go to if you really want to learn about the how and why.

  • That’s a big bird..

    That’s a big bird..

    I thought, as Willy and I walked to school. Then it took off – and wow! A bald eagle right in the neighborhood. Very cool.