Author: pete

  • Assassin Bug

    Assassin Bug

    Nowhere near as intimidating as the name, this is just a young one. The dog often brings them in after brushing against shrubs – as shown by older posts. Interesting little bugs.. slow moving, which makes them way less creepy. But probably best to not mess with them, given the red eyes and name.

  • Still Cooking

    Still Cooking

    Near 6 months later, a revisit to the control panel on our stove. After the last post I’ve started the search to try and put some indicator of heat/power whatever going on here. This stove has been working for about 50 years. I’ve decided if I replaced it, nothing would last so long again. I…

  • Inside the Smoker

    Inside the Smoker

    Nothing tasty, just smoldering coals. This was a post-cook, burn-everything-off phase.

  • Not quite burning

    Not quite burning

    Some more horticulture – Burning Bush is an invasive and banned species in MA! Turns out they spread fast and choke out the native plants. To their credit, they look great in Fall.

  • Headshots


    Never ending humor from Imara – all four feet on her own head. Somehow! And well, Halloween-ish humor from this thing.

  • Volunteer Barberry

    Volunteer Barberry

    This is a super cool – especially in Autumn, shrub that volunteered in a quiet spot several years ago. It always looks interesting, so despite its abundant thorns, I let it go. Fall is it’s prime, with the berries and foliage. Cool stuff. Unfortunately it is among the more frowned upon shrubs one can have…

  • Up, up and away!

    Up, up and away!

    Air Willy taking flight again.

  • Still unimpressed

    Still unimpressed

    Day 2 of skele-season, Imara is still unimpressed.

  • Not into the season

    Not into the season

    Some enjoy making a spectacle of skeletons for Halloween. The dog isn’t one of them.

  • On Your Mailbox

    On Your Mailbox

    Well mine, not yours. But.. why? A big grasshopper thing. Fearless to boot.

  • Camp Morning

    Camp Morning

    Lots of smoke around the camp sites in the morning – from smoldering fires overnight to morning fires for breakfast. But quite clear over the water. Beautiful weather made it hard to leave. Spiders and poisonous caterpillars (not pictured, no thanks!) on the tents however, made it much easier.

  • Into The Woods

    Into The Woods

    We camped! It was a nice place. Marshmallows were had and had a Sasquatch sighting